Friday, September 26, 2008

Still Learning

I have recently become aware that I cant let Caleb fall asleep for his nap time in the car. Even if he is dead to the world when I get him out of the car by the time I get him up to his room he is usually waking up a bit and by the time I have him in his crib and I am out the door he is awake and just doesnt go back to sleep. NO MATTER how long I leave him hopping he'll get tired and go back to sleep he NEVER DOES. Today I got quite a site when I finally went back in to get him up after a long attempt to get him back to sleep this is what I had found.

Now normally I dont put in to bed in just a diaper but today we had been at the park playing and eating lunch and his clothes were quite dirty and in an effort to not get his bed completely dirty I took is clothes off when I changed his diaper and hoping he'd go to sleep never gave a thought to what his mind might imagine while he lie there away. But did I learn what a 17 month old is capable of.

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